Commercial & Administrative Litigation
As we see it, professional civil litigation entails much more than representing our clients in the various judicial courts. It requires us to have skills that will enable us to accompany our clients throughout a complex and in most cases unfamiliar process. At the same time we need business understanding and acumen that combines investigation and data collection abilities, creative thinking, and broad, varied and comprehensive legal proficiency.
Our litigation department is comprised of multi-disciplinary lawyers with rich and significant experience and high success rates in this field. Our main expertise is in civil-commercial legal representation (with an emphasis on commercial corporations, land incorporations, etc.) and in administrative law (central and local government).
Our clients include key public entities in Israel – political parties, local government and municipal corporations – as well as some of the leading commercial corporations in the country which we represent in a variety of complex issues, among them:
- Representation in legal proceedings pertaining to the central government (government, Knesset, etc.)
- Representation of corporations in legal proceedings pertaining to commercial disputes
- Representation in class action suits, including suits against corporations and public entities
- Representation in land disputes, including land taxation, betterment levies, fees and development levies
- Representation in inter and intra-organizational corporate disputes, including disputes between partners, with controlling owners and with respect to board of directors‘ authority
- Representation of local government and public entities in administrative suits (in the supreme court and the administrative courts)
Administrative Lawsuits
The firm has vast and rich representation experience in administrative lawsuits appealing decisions of state agencies, both on behalf of the agencies as well as the corporations appealing their decisions. This experience, representing both sides, gives us a significant advantage as reflected in extensive professional knowledge combined with a unique understanding of the various legal and procedural aspects of conducting such complex procedures.