כתוב את הכותרת כאן
Our firm accompanies commercial corporations (public and private) and legally formed corporations from their founding date in all activity areas relevant to managing the corporation’s life cycle, including: founding companies and subsidiaries, negotiating sale agreements, managing tenders and initiating and managing collaborations. We provide a legal response alongside a business perspective with respect to all relevant aspects, from appropriate tax planning through allocation between controlling members up to ongoing management of the corporation, ensuring that our clients understand the legal aspects and ramifications of their decisions and their implementation in practice.
We are proud of our rich and in-depth experience partnering with our clients in carrying out complex corporate transactions such as mergers and splits, sale of activity and sale of control.
Our firm represents corporations in judicial and quasi-judicial courts, as needed, against government entities, public and private corporations and individuals in civil-commercial disputes, and also developed unique expertise representing corporations in class action suits filed against them.
Owing to our firm’s experience regarding the legal and business aspects of managing a corporation – we provide ongoing advise in all relevant areas, among them contracts, agreements, expert opinions, labor law, pre-trial advice and, as noted, legal representation at all judicial levels.